Saturday, November 7, 2009

Faith must also include...

[It is not enough to 'know' the facts of the gospel. One must also believe- agree with the facts from the mind to the heart. The facts must take root in the depths of the heart not just flit about in the brain. True faith is full acceptance in confidence of Scripture because when the Word speaks- God speaks! It means to be persuaded of the truth that adheres to Scripture. The passions and feelings of the heart accepts- rejoices in, weeps over, 'knows' the importance of the Word and senses need of the Word.

The Word comes alive with desire, there is a hunger to know what God says. There comes a deep conviction that is rooted and grounded in the Word. There is a heart recognition that God is speaking to 'me', and there is a warm reception, rejoicing in the Word not with cold academic reading but with vibrant fervancy.]

This bracketed section is from notes I took from an online message by Steve Lawson. I want to continue this thougtht.
Some today believe and teach, contrary to the teaching in Scripture, that one can believe the facts of the gospel, pray a prayer based on those facts and that God is then 'bound to His Word' to save that person based on the verse 'Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.' The people who do this seem to be without a full understanding of what that verse even means.

People in those days expected persecution, possibly even death when they called upon the Name of Jesus to be saved. It wasn't something they did lightheartedly. In fact it wasn't something anyone would 'choose' to do knowing that if he did he would be beaten, imprisoned or killed for doing it. So why would anyone call upon the Name of the Lord to be saved in those days?

Because when God enlightens the mind to see the truth of the gospel and opens the heart by the new birth, by regeneration the transformed will cannot but call upon Him whom they now love! Read tomorrows blog for further insight on this aspect of faith.

to the praise of His glorious grace,

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