Wednesday, December 30, 2009

John 1: 14a

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

Jesus Christ is the Word of God. He was with God from the beginning, from eternity. He was not created by God. He is God and He created all things. God said, "Let there be light..." The Word spoke and it happened. see Genesis 1 and 2; John 1: 3, Col.1: 16.

Jesus became flesh- He took on humanity and came to earth to live among us. Phil. 2: 5- 11 He came to dwell- litterally- to tabernacle, among us. God created man for fellowship but man sinned by disobedience and broke the fellowship, then hid from God out of guilt and shame. God pursued the man, providing a way to have that fellowship with God restored. Fellowship that would be without the guilt and shame. The purpose of the tabernacle, God's dwelling place on earth (which represented His dwelling place in heaven), was to be a place where God chose to meet with His chosen people, where sacrifice for sin had to be made before the people of Israel could meet with God. Sin had to be dealt with before God would have fellowship with man. The problem was that man could do nothing for himself- the natural bent or inclination, intention of man's heart was only evil continually, in other words- is to sin. He could choose right from wrong and know the difference between good and evil but man cannot get himself into right standing with God. Jesus said it is impossible. And so, only God could do it and He did. Jesus took on flesh and died as the atonement for His chosen ones. Just as the tabernacle in the dessert was for His chosen ones. Jesus died so that not one of His own, those the Father had given Him before the foundation of the world, would be lost. John 6, 10, 17.

I am so thankful that Jesus came to 'tabernacle' in me. I pray that my life will reflect the glory of knowing Him..and yours also...
to the praise of His glorious grace!

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