Tuesday, December 15, 2009

John 1: 12

"But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name".

This is a powerfilled verse- it says alot!
  1. As many as received Him- The many is limited by the word 'as'.
  2. To them- the many as received Him. Verse 13 tells how they received Him
  3. He gave the right- God is giving the right to them. They had no right to come to Him before this. They had no ability, no authority, no way to come to Him. Jesus opened the 'right of way' to God. Now, He gives the right, the ability, the authority for 'the many as':
  4. To become children of God- to become one in the family of God, to be 'in Christ'.
  5. To those who believe in His Name. The names of God are distinguishing. They describe His character. They reveal to us things about Him we would not know. Already in these first few verses in John we have discovered Jesus as "the Word" and "the Light". This reveals something of the character of God to us. As the Word He was with God in the beginning because He is God. As the Light He illumines our dark hearts with the truth of His Word causing us to be born again 1Peter 1:3.
Those who receive and believe are given the right to do so. He gives us the belief, the faith, the desire to believe and receive. Paul tells us in Philippians that it has been granted for believers 'not only to believe in Christ but to suffer for Him'.

Lord, I thank You for granting us the right, the ability to receive You as Lord and Savior. If You had not done so no one would or could be saved from sins powerful hold or from Your justly deserved wrath. Jesus You truly paid it all and all to You we owe!

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